Judge Appointment Scheme
The EMBAC administers the Judge Appointment Scheme for the Egyptian Mau breed. The system is a unified system applied to all cat breeds across the GCCF. The requirements are clearly defined and the scheme operates within an identified procedure. The appointment and dismissal of Judges for Egyptian Mausis the prerogative of the GCCF Council who usually base their decisions on the recommendations of the EMBAC.
The Scheme covers all aspects of training and monitoring from Stewarding, through being a Probationer Judge to promotion and review of a Full Judge. The Rules of the EMBAC are as defined in the core GCCF Rules to ensure compatibility throughout all the Breed BACs.
The EMBAC also holds Seminars from time to time. These Seminars are intended to educate and train breeders, exhibitors, Stewards, those participating in the EMBAC’s Judge Appointment Scheme as well as existing Full Judges to ensure an in depth understanding of the breed.
Judges list: The current list of Judges is available here. If you believe you should be included in the list but are not currently listed, please contact the EMBAC Secretary.